I just had to share this story, it is so amazing!
So a few weeks ago my 15yr old son Jason got this weird rash on his leg. At first I thought it was an allergic reaction to something, and told him it would probably go away in a few days. It didn't though it got worse and started spreading. It also starting hurting, itching and burning really bad. I tried to find out what kind of rash it was by comparing it to pictures on the internet. But I couldn't find anything like it. I decided I had better take him to the doctor to find out what it was, so at least I would know what we were dealing with. The doctors' first reaction was " I have no idea what that is?" Great I thought, not even the doctor knows what this is. The doctor then when and got his dermatology book, and after looking through it, said Ok I know what it is now. He's got the Shingles. Now I thought only old people got the shingles, but then I remembered that Jason got the Shingles once before when he was 3 or 4 years old. The doctor said it causes by the same virus, which is the herpes vires,that causes chicken pox. This is kind of like the second stage,but not as contagious, but is more painful. The doctor proceeded to write a prescription for an anti-viral drug called Valtrex. He prescribed a weeks worth of pills, plus a refill and said sometimes it takes up to a month to get rid of it. So I took my prescription to the pharmacy and imagine my surprise, when the pharmacy lady told me it would cost me $140, and that was the generic price. I have one of those insurance plans with the high deductible and if you haven't met it yet they don't cover anything. Well there was no way I could afford to pay that much so I left without it. When I got home I called my friend (upline) and we looked up what Essential oils were anti viral and could help get rid of the shingles. We made up a roller bottle with Melaleuca, thyme, helichrysum and a little fractionated coconut oil. We also made put some deep blue and coconut oil in another bottle. We also applied On Guard directly to the rash, which actually kind of numbed it. My son said the deep blue dulled the pain enough he could deal with it. I also had my husband and a friend of ours give him a priesthood blessing.We also prayed a lot that he would be healed. After three days of applying these oils several times. The rash started to scab over and the skin was starting to flake off and regenerate around the rash as it was healing. Its now been over a week and the rash is barely visible. WOW! I couldn't believe it! I think my son was really surprised too! he really didn't think it would work. Now I don't know exactly how much oil we used, but my best guess is it only cost us about $10 if that even. That is a huge savings, especially if I would of had to refill his prescription. I am truly grateful to have these Essential Oils in my life, they are truly a gift from God.